
Massachusetts Camping | Quick Facts

factsQuick Facts, Massachusetts

Uniquely Massachusetts: Dr. William Morton was the first to use anesthesia in 1846, commemorated at the Ether Dome at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston
Must See: Nantucket
Most Unusual: Salem, site of the Salem witch trails in 1692
Highest Point: Mt. Greylock at 3,491 feet
Food to Try: Cranberry Jelly and Farmstead Cheese

What to Do in Massachusetts:

1 Tour a cranberry bog

2 Visit the living history museum at Plimoth Plantation to see the recreation of seventeenth century English and Wampanoag communities

3 Catch a Red Sox game at Fenway Park

4 Watch the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade

5 Take a Witch Trial Tour in Salem

6 Explore Massachusetts natural beauty at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston


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