
Utah Camping | Quick Facts

factsUtah Quick Facts

Uniquely Utah: the Great Salt Lake – you’ll float higher than normal
Must-See: the Delicate Arch in Arches National Park
Most Unusual: World’s largest open-pit mine (viewable from space!): the Bingham Canyon Copper Mine.  Tours are available.
Highest Point: Kings Peak, 13,528 feet
Food to Try: the fresh tortillas in Salt Lake’s La Frontera restaurants

What to Do

1 View the dinosaur bones at Dinosaur National Monument

2 Walk through Temple Square to see the holiday lights

3 Go mountain biking on the slickrock in Moab

4 Do some golfing in St. George
Ski in Park City

5 Take the Heeper Creeper sightseeing train

6 Walk on the salt flats

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